Assalamualaikum..Hai bloggers! how are u?
Teaching is my passion..and you know what? There isn’t any other job out
there that I could imagine doing, aside from maybe built my own business.
Teaching is a part of my life. Most teacher agree that :
"Children are all so unique, and being able to watch
them grow and progress every day is the best feeling in the world."
1) First day of school
Hahahaha ,..( big grin and laugh) The start of a new
school year elicits a lot of feelings, and not just from parents and
students.Returning from a mere two-day break from work often brings out a
phenomenon known as “the Sunday night blues” – even though we know that
teachers spend more time than you think working over the school break, they
worry on Sunday nights about the stresses awaiting them on Monday morning. Do
teachers love their job? Of course they do!
2)Teacher-students conflict:
Teacher is not an angel. So do the students. sometimes
there is a situation when teacher and student can't control the situation and
get involved into teacher-students conflict.Below I've listed the sources of
What Educators Can Do?
With so many factors potentially influencing a student’s
behavior and reactions, there is only one thing that is certain: You have the
power to control your own behavior. The better able the adults in the building
are to stay calm, maintain a professional demeanor and remember that students’
behavioral mistakes are teaching opportunities, the better your school
environment will be. Here are a few tips to share with other educators and to
use yourself:
- Power Struggles
- Grades
- Discipline policies
- Personality conflict
- Beliefs
- Backgrounds
- Problems/stress from home (both teacher and student)
- Anxiety
- Testing authority
- Showing favortitism
- Control Your Voice
- Using a soft but firm voice is less inflammatory than a raised voice or sarcastic tone. Speak slowly and calmly.
- Relax Your Body Language
Keeping a relaxed posture and using non-aggressive body
language can also defuse escalating tensions. No pointed fingers, swinging arms
or invading personal space
Should you have any concern regarding your conduct
towards students, remember an old adage, "when in doubt don't." Act
with caution and seek guidance and approval from administrators before taking
unilateral action that might be open to unintended
3) Unfinished homework
I was puzzled by the students’ attitudes towards
homework.Why these students can't finish their homework? Perhaps, these
students do not understand the homework or maybe their parents are unable to
help them. Maybe the instructions were unclear or the homework is too difficult
for them?
As for teachers too, of course they worried about their
own homework. Marking paper, books, do a revision and preparation for the next
class, prepare teaching tools, writing lesson plan and so on. so don't you ever
dare to ask teacher why they hate unfinished homework.
4) False accusations
As I am a teacher, I do hate students telling lie.Over
the past year it has been reported that a student was going to report her
teacher was beat her because she "didn't like the grade he gave her."
In another frequent example, a student complained that the teacher had
"inappropriately" touched her because he required too much homework
or had "embarrassed" her by singling her out to respond to a question
in class.
Similarly, female teachers find themselves charged with
"inappropriate" touching towards both male and female students for a
variety of reasons. Coaches and physical education teachers of both genders are
particularly vulnerable to such allegations.
So, how do teachers protect themselves from false
5) Unresponsive students.
As a teacher, you do find from time to time that despite
your best efforts in teaching and learning process, you will have those who are
simply unresponsive to any of your effort. If you’ve made your best efforts in
your presentation with content and
engaging subject lines, but the students do not react ,sometimes it’s will make
u die hard!
6)Annoying parents
Sometimes parents are annoying and can be downright
stress-inducing at times. Whether you’re dealing with own parents, those of
your significant other, or the parents of students in your classroom, it's
important to find ways to manage your encounters with them. It’s not easy to
deal with irritating parents, and there’s no surefire way to get them to stop
aggravating you, but there are steps you can take to manage the annoyance and
keep your cool.
7) Excessive jobs and tasks.
"A teacher’s job is not as easy as marking books and
chalk and talk. We do more than teach."
Teaching is said to be a form of gift.It may seem easy
but not everyone is blessed with that ability. Teaching can go beyond the
classroom’s four walls and the wisdom shared may be beneficial for the students
in many years to come. But, do you know what really goes on in these unsung
heroes' lives? Do you know about the hardships they endure just to see their
students soar high in the outside world one day?
As a teacher, you are never completely finished with
work.Because teacher couldn’t let go of work and students’ problems, they
started to suffer from exhaustion and anxiety attacks and finally diagnosed
with burnout.It’s undeniable: The work stress is increasing.
8) Credibility Dispute
According to Hattie, teacher's credibility is vital to
learning, and students are very perceptive about ;knowing which teachers can
make a difference (Hattie 2012; 251ff).There are four key factors of
credibility: trust, competence, dynamism and immediacy.
The teacher's in trouble if the students disbelieve him.Trust is main the
key of credibility. When the students trust you that means they trust on your
credibility.You will trapped when students start questioning your credibility
as a teacher.
9) Being Observe
In theory, the purpose of the observation process is both
a normative and a summative assessment process – to work with the teacher to
improve their practice and effectiveness and produce an end year grade as part
of the new system. But the truth is
teachers hate to be observed and principals hate to do observations.
10) Calculate the time for the class to end.
The saddest part is class have not begun yet but students
have started counting time to go home.
Cikgu rupanyaaa :)
BalasPadamadoii kecik nyer font skt mata ;-)